The low-down on languages: supporting bilingual children

How should childcare professionals introduce children to a second language, or support bilingual children whose home language is not English?Eight percent of the total population of England and Wales speak a main language other than English, according to the 2011 census – the greatest numbers speaking Polish, Punjabi and Urdu. Huge numbers of children are growing up in homes where English…

Ask the experts: Nutritional therapist Alison Peacham on managing a fussy eater

Alison Peacham, nutritional therapist and health coach, on managing a young child's fussy eating without tearsQ: My young son has become a fussy eater and I'm concerned about what will happen when he starts school. Do you have any advice for improving his relationship with food and making family mealtimes less stressful?A: Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Most parents to young children can…

In conversation with graphic novelist Jerry Craft

Graphic novelist Jerry Craft talks about the importance of great expectations and giving children characters and stories they can believe inWords: Libby NormanAuthor and illustrator Jerry Craft creates the books he wanted to read as a child growing up. It is as simple as that. His graphic novels have attracted legions of fans, been translated into 13 languages and won multiple awards,…

Absolutely Education’s Guide to All Girls’ Schools

If you're considering the advantages of single-sex education for your daughter, all-girls' schools offer a unique environment where young women can thrive. This guide features a curated selection of the best all-girls' schools from across the UK. From nurturing academic excellence to fostering leadership and confidence, these schools provide nurturing environments where girls can flourish. Read…

Band leader: In conversation with Vikki Stone

We meet Vikki Stone to find out more about her music career – and the life-changing Wells Cathedral School scholarship that launched itWords Libby NormanPortraits: David ReissVikki Stone became a familiar face on Saturday nights earlier this year bringing live music to the nation on ITV's peak-time show Romeo & Duet. This had Oti Mabuse as presenter and saw Stone and her band…

Bottom of the Class: What to do when your child is struggling academically

Every parent wants the best for their child, so to discover they are struggling academically can be devastating. Absolutely Education finds out what can happen to the pupil who is bottom of the class, and how they can be helped to succeedNo one can argue against success and competition is often healthy. Our schools have a duty to foster endeavour and the will to be the best, but there are…

Teaching entrepreneurship – four schools talk business

Teaching entrepreneurship has huge value, whether or not a young person decides to carve a career in business. We find out how schools develop that can-do attitude – alongside social responsibility – both in and out of the classroomCranleigh SchoolAt Cranleigh School in Surrey, entrepreneurship is introduced in imaginative ways. Year 9, pupils consider financial planning, profit/loss and…

Wetherby Pembridge Minors, Holland Park on when to start school

Wetherby Pembridge Minors, Holland Park Head Jemima Jones and Early Years Education Director Marianne Valentine on the right time to start school and importance of early years educationA recurring question, and indeed fear, among many parents of young children is: ‘will my child be ready for school?'A clear answer is quickly available because global research demonstrates that continuous…

Queen Ethelburga’s Collegiate: Being prepared for success

Staff and students at Queen Ethelburga’s Collegiate (QE) are celebrating as the new school year has started on a high following a successful summer of results. The Collegiate as a whole was shortlisted for three awards in the Independent Schools of the Year 2021, and our outgoing Head Boy awarded the national Lexden Prize 2021 by the Independent Schools Association, for the ‘Most Remarkable Sixth…

Maida Vale School – in conversation with Magnus Bashaarat

In his new role as Head of Maida Vale School, Magnus Bashaarat brings with him great experience and a belief that education must evolve to meet the needs of today's students and tomorrow's workplaceMagnus Bashaarat may be 'new boy' at Maida Vale School, having taken over the reins at the start of the summer term, but he's an old hand at leadership. This is his third headship in a career…