Not all private schools welcome children with SEN, but some are bucking the trend

Many parents assume that if their child has learning needs, then the independent sector, with its small classes and high staff-to-pupil ratio, is the place to be.And in some cases that’s absolutely true, even in high-pressure inner London, as long as you know where to look. Take Sinclair House, in Fulham and on the fringes of zone 1. It’s completely mainstream, yet fast establishing a…

Kew Green Prep on celebrating ambition

The Headteacher of Kew Green Prep, Sasha Davies, argues that it's vital to nurture and celebrate ambition in our schoolsAs the Headteacher of Kew Green Prep School, I believe that it is essential for ambition to be embedded in all areas and aspects of school life, learning and culture. When asked to state my educational philosophy, I often speak about collaboration, innovation, creativity…

St Clare’s, Oxford students host talk time

Two students from St Clare's, Oxford hosted a thought-provoking TEDx evening of talks about internationalismTwo IB Diploma students at St Clare’s, Oxford hosted a TEDx evening of talks on 'internationalism’. Sheeta Ho and Anissa Ziane selected eight speakers from both the student and staff body to talk around the theme.Topics on the night ranged from humanitarian aid to how to study in a…

A parents’ guide to online schools

Online schools are not new, but Covid has encouraged many families to take another look. Here's our guide to key playersThe Good Schools Guide reported that Google searches using the term 'online school' rose by over 600% between summer 2019 and 2020. Online schools are nothing new, but two things have thrust them into the spotlight more recently: first is Covid, and second is the enabling…

Habs Girls on the importance of outdoor learning

Rose Hardy, Headmistress of Habs Girls, says it's time that our schools recognised the value and benefits of providing older pupils – girls especially – with outdoor educationWith an increase in forest schools and the benefits of outdoor learning widely reported, getting pupils outside and into the fresh air has become a top priority for many schools over the last few years. For early years…

How Heathfield School teaches entrepreneurship to Senior students

Rushi Millns, Head of ICT, Careers and Outreach, reveals how Heathfield School, Ascot teaches business and entrepreneurship to embed real skills for lifeAn inspiring education should extend beyond academic achievement. At Heathfield we believe that teaching young people about business and entrepreneurship is crucial if we are to draw out their potential and encourage them to develop…

Old Buckenham Hall earns tennis win

Suffolk prep school Old Buckenham Hall (OBH) has earned a county commendation from the Lawn Tennis AssociationSuffolk prep Old Buckenham Hall has been named Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) School of the Year for Suffolk. Based near Lavenham on a 90-acre site, OBH’s tennis programme is led by Matthew Perry and a team of coaches. Sport has undergone significant development recently, overseen by…

St Dunstan’s College merges with Rosemead Prep

St Dunstan’s College and Rosemead Preparatory School are to merge, with the two south London schools joining forces this monthSt Dunstan's and Rosemead Prep – two London day schools located in south London – will come together to begin a new chapter in their shared histories. The merger will allow for closer collaboration between the schools, sharing best practice, knowledge and expertise.…

Are exams fit for purpose?

Debate about public exams inevitably follows publication of A level and GCSE results. But the past year has raised even more questions about how we test young people. Absolutely Education gets perspectives from experts on the education front lineSummer means that perennial topic raises its head again – public exams. Parents and teachers everywhere are forced to consider, sometimes wearily,…

DLD College | UK’s largest beach and river clean up

 DLD College London has hosted a litter picking event in Lower Mash and Waterloo Millennium Park, with students from a variety of nationalities volunteering in the cleanup. The event was also supported by the London’s Royal Docks Learning & Activity Centre who provided part of the equipment for the philanthropic initiative.The team from the College participated in the inspiring…