Parent power: Nightmares and how to encourage sweet dreams

Parent power: Nightmares and how to encourage sweet dreams

We all want sweet dreams for our children, but nightmares and night terrors are surprisingly common among the very young

Parent Power: Party time and how to cope

Parent Power: Party time and how to cope

Parties have turned Saturdays on their head – and then there's the horror of hosting. Birthday planning brings out the Grinch in all of us

Parent power: Collector mania and how to live with it

Parent power: Collector mania and how to live with it

It starts with a few pebbles or feathers, and before you know it your house is crammed with stuff, so what is a child's collector mania all about?

Parent power: Explaining death and loss to children

Parent power: Explaining death and loss to children

Death and loss are hard to explain to children, so it's no surprise that we often don't know where to start. Here's what parents need to know

Parent power: Imaginary friends and how to handle them

Parent power: Imaginary friends and how to handle them

There's a new family member, only you can't see them. Your child's imaginary friend might be sticking around, so here's what you need to know

Parent power: Fashion experiments and how to manage them

Parent power: Fashion experiments and how to manage them

When it comes to children's fashion choices there's a whole new world to navigate, and best advice is to tread very carefully

Parent power: Tackling tiny terrors before they become big phobias

Parent power: Tackling tiny terrors before they become big phobias

Phobias are no fun and, be it spiders, needles, hair washing, dogs or buttons, small children's fears can quickly get out of control. Here's what you can do to help

Parent power: Lies and how to deal with them

Parent power: Lies and how to deal with them

Big fibs, porky pies – whatever you choose to call them, lies are told by children the world over. The question is, how do you deal with them?