King's InterHigh on delivering smart Arts

King’s InterHigh on delivering smart Arts

Creativity involves collaboration, so how can schools manage arts teaching remotely? Fiona Henderson, Head of Middle School at King’s InterHigh, explains how

Lyndhurst House School on the value of teaching Art

Lyndhurst House Prep on the value of teaching Art

Hollie Slaughter, Head of Art at Lyndhurst House, discusses art's value in developing not only practical skills but also understanding of our own emotions

Change text alignment Displays more block tools Conifers School supports local charities in a 'pay it forward' scheme

Conifers School supports local charities in a ‘pay it forward’ scheme

Conifers School in West Sussex has introduced a 'pay it forward' initiative to support local charities

Parent power: Fashion experiments and how to manage them

Parent power: Fashion experiments and how to manage them

When it comes to children's fashion choices there's a whole new world to navigate, and best advice is to tread very carefully

TASIS England on the importance of a service culture

TASIS England on the importance of a service culture

Bryan Nixon, Head of School at TASIS, the American School in England, discusses the importance of focusing on service leadership in a rounded education

Quilting victory for Hazlegrove Prep

Quilting victory for Hazlegrove Prep

Hazlegrove Prep School in Somerset has enjoyed success in a national competition The Festival of Quilts

York House Prep on the importance of childhood adventure

York House Prep on the importance of childhood adventure

Jon Gray, Headmaster of York House Prep in Hertfordshire, discusses the impact and importance of including what he calls 'Type Two Fun' in young people's education