Pangbourne College on choosing independent at 11+

The Deputy Head of Pangbourne College considers why so many parents opt for an independent school for their child's senior years

Kent College on the importance of sharing values

Kent College on the importance of sharing values

Mark Turnbull, Head of Kent College, Canterbury talks about the significance of rapidly changing times and the importance of a values-based culture

St Dunstan's College on ensuring the student voice

St Dunstan’s College on ensuring the student voice

The Head of St Dunstan's College Nicholas Hewlett discusses its 'Diapason', designed to include the student voice in every aspect of school life

Windlesham House on rethinking the Common Entrance

Windlesham House on rethinking the Common Entrance

The Head of Windlesham House asks if Common Entrance – that mainstay of the final prep school years – is fit for 21st century learning and teaching approaches

60 Seconds With Andrew Hammond, Head of Hall School Wimbledon

60 Seconds With Andrew Hammond, Head of Hall School Wimbledon

The Headmaster of Hall School Wimbledon (HSW) on his background and educational approach

York House School on the importance of voicing feelings

York House School on the importance of voicing feelings

Molly Entrican, Head of Pre-Prep at York House School, discusses the value of voice as a powerful tool to help young children understand and regulate feelings

Habs Girls on the importance of outdoor learning

Habs Girls on the importance of outdoor learning

The Headmistress of Habs Girls says it's time that our schools recognised the value and benefits of providing older pupils – girls especially – with outdoor education