Why all girls’ schools still outshine co-ed education for young women

Research has consistently suggested that girls perform better academically in single sex schools. However, the case for co-educational schooling has become ever more compelling in recent years. In order to prove that they still come out on top, girls' schools have shifted their emphasis to focus not only on fostering academic excellence, but also providing an environment where young women can…

School partnerships – adding value on all sides

School partnerships bring rewards on all sides, with activities ranging from volunteering to student-led teaching of younger pupils. Absolutely Education speaks to four schools to find out moreTonbridge School activities include a partnership with a local primary and a Tonbridge Mentors programmeTonbridge SchoolTonbridge School runs a Learning Mentor Programme, working in partnership…

Why academic excellence is important in shaping your child’s future

In an era marked by rapid technological advancements and evolving global landscapes, the importance of education has never been more evident. Parents and students alike are increasingly recognising the need to future-proof their educational journeys by choosing institutions that prioritise academic excellence. Selecting a school that goes beyond conventional teaching methods and embraces…

Inspiring minds: How approaches to STEM are evolving in schools

How encouraging an interest in STEM subjects can foster curiosityStudent perceptions about subjects and their related careers are developed during the early years of schooling. Research also shows that children have developed gender-based assumptions about jobs by the age of seven years*. By encouraging an interest in STEM subjects from an early age we can foster children’s curiosity and…

Finding the best fit: the best school shoes

Choosing the right school shoes for your child is important, not only for their comfort, but also their overall well-being. Children spend the best part of their week at school, running, jumping, and being active. Ill-fitting shoes can lead to problems such as blisters, foot pain, and longer-term foot, hip, and back issues. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to find the best fitting school…

Minerva Education Privacy Policy

INTRODUCTION We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. Minerva Education is a group of independent schools. In this privacy notice, references to “we”, “us”, “our”, or “school” is a reference to Minerva Education and our schools. (Eaton Square Schools Ltd, Eaton Square Kensington Ltd, Hannay Rowe Education Ltd t/as The Lyceum School and Sancton Wood School Ltd).If you are…

Marymount International School London on the IB MYP

Mark Gardner, MYP Co-ordinator at Marymount International School London, explains how the IB's Middle Years Programme benefits students' learning and growthThe International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB MYP) has become one of the most popular programmes worldwide for international schools. Data from IBO.org shows that 1,500 schools are now offering this learning pathway. Marymount…

Student choices – alternative pathways at 18+

With conventional pathways of gap year and/or university altered by the pandemic, what about other options? We look at some CV-enhancing possibilitiesStudent choices for young people aged 18 and up may have seemed a bit limited of late. In fact, all school students have been short-changed by the pandemic. While there has been much focus on younger age groups, in some respects it has been even…

QE on meeting the demand for girls’ football pathways

QE has raised its game in meeting the demand for girls' football, with a separate Performance Sport Pathway and scholarship opportunitiesSupported by both fantastic results by the Lionesses and an ambitious growth strategy by the FA, it is no surprise that women’s football was the fastest-growing UK sport in 2023, according to The Guardian.  Since that 2022 Euro win, QE (Queen…

Good habits | Teaching a growth mindset at Latymer Upper School

At Latymer Upper School, our approach to learning is based around the needs of the individual learner.In one sense our approach is traditional; we believe the bedrock of education lies in the acquisition and understanding of knowledge, concepts and skills related to specific academic disciplines or co-curricular activities. However, we believe that learning involves pupils’…