Brandon Learning centre Pre-tests

How international students can prepare for pre-tests

Brandon Learning Centre in Hong Kong prepares pupils for entrance to top UK schools. Founder Dr Jessica Ogilvy-Stuart explains everything you need to know about pre-tests and how to prepare for them

Best Place to study STEM degree

Why the UK is the best place to study STEM

The National Mathematics and Science College on why overseas students should travel to the UK, the best place to study STEM

Boarding Orchrd

Boarding Orchard | Tree of knowledge takes root around the world

Boarding schools around the world have come together to support the planet by planting an international boarding orchard

jessica watson-thorp

UAE-based artist Jessica Watson-Thorp shares the inspirations behind her latest exhibition

UAE-based artist Jessica Watson-Thorp shares the inspirations behind her latest exhibition and how she manages to foster a love of art among her four kids.

Swiss Alps

Travel Getaway: The Swiss Alps

Why families in search of activity holidays should head to the mountains, whatever the season. Absolutely Education visits the Swiss Alps

Mark Steed

The Director of JESS, Dubai, Mark Steed, argues the need for art departments that push boundaries

The Director of JESS, Dubai Mark Steed argues why secondary schools need Art departments that push boundaries and use new technologies

MAP testing

MAP your way through testing

Due to the increasing mental health issues in primary schools during exam season in UK, ACS are using the MAP testing method