How successful can a bilingual approach be in the UK? Well, since Lycée International Winston Churchill was inaugurated in 2015 by the then President of France, François Hollande, we have grown rapidly to cater to in excess of 900 students. We consistently deliver high standards for every student. Indeed, this year, 100% of students who applied to Russell Group universities received an offer, while 85% of students who applied to UCAS received an average of 3.5 offers out of a maximum of 5. Our continued drive for excellence means that we are the only French international school in the UK to be rated as ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted for Sixth Form provision. Plus, we were the first French international school in the UK to be authorised by the International Baccalaureate Organisation to offer its prestigious Diploma Programme (IBDP).
The IBDP is an excellent example of how students can learn more broadly and deeply than with the British curriculum. For example, if a child is being taught about revolution in History, they’re not restricted to learning simply about the English Civil War and Charles I, they could choose to learn about the French or Russian revolutions instead.
There are many other advantages to sending your child to a bilingual school. Most obviously, each child benefits from receiving the best of two curriculums.
In Primary, we deliver 50% of the curriculum in English, and 50% in French, which can see students in as little as one or two years able to speak with a level of competency and fluency that far exceeds pupils in British schools. Indeed, by the age of 11, our students read Molière in French at the same time as Shakespeare in English. While in Secondary, students are able to choose between a twin-track approach: the Bac Français Bilingue, which leads to the French baccalaureate during Sixth Form; and the English International Programme, which leads to the IBDP. During their time in the Secondary section, students can also learn other languages like Spanish, German and Mandarin.

Another advantage of sending your child to a bilingual school is the international environment. At Lycée International Winston Churchill, we have 16 nationalities of teachers, 29 nationalities of staff and 45 nationalities of students. It means that pupils can flourish as the international citizens they will need to be to succeed in life beyond education. Our modern, progressive approach to teaching and learning is complemented by a holistic culture of wellbeing at the heart of our school. We have a dedicated team of counsellors to support students.
So, the education landscape is changing. The IB is eclipsing A-Levels and forcing schools to reevaluate how they educate their students. In closing, we urge any parent who is considering which type of school is best for their child to choose a bilingual one. The feedback we receive from our British families on the well-rounded educational experience we provide says that we equip their children with a comprehensive education that will prepare them for life.
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