St. George’s University Dean of Admissions Bob Ryan outlines some key points to consider if your child is considering studying at an international medical school
As a parent, you’ve been able to guide your child through a lot of firsts. It was pretty easy teaching them things like how to tie shoelaces and how to fold their laundry. But as your child has grown into an adult looking to attend an international medical school, their new challenges are becoming more complicated. Many parents looking at international education options have found themselves navigating the medical school application and selection process right alongside their child.
These are the key elements you and your child will need to think through when comparing medical schools. Just be careful you don’t overstep. Your job is to offer support and help empower your son or daughter to make their own educated decision.
1. USMLE Step 1 performance
Many physicians will tell you the United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE) Step 1 is the most important test they took during medical school. This is why it’s essential that young people who want to study medicine in an international setting verify that the institutions they are considering adequately prepare students for this exam series. Keep in mind that, according to performance data released by USMLE, 97% of examinees from US and Canadian schools taking Step 1 for the first time in 2019 passed. That’s a quality standard you would want to see from international schools as well.

2. Graduate success
You’ve probably known of several great medical schools for most of your life. These schools have created that name recognition by developing a history of educating successful graduates. A successful alumni network is a great measure of a successful medical school. For example, St. George’s University has contributed over 18,000 physicians to the global physician workforce, with students, graduates, and faculty from over 150 countries. They have practiced in more than 50 countries and in every state in the US.
3. The location
Gaining acceptance to a quality medical school is tough. That said, your child can certainly keep location in the back of their minds if they find themselves with multiple options. Location also comes into play later on. Perhaps your child already knows where they want to practice one day. Your son or daughter may have a better chance of securing a residency in that area if they’re able to meet physicians through volunteer work or clinical rotations.
Medical schools with multiple global locations may also appeal to your child due to the international education they will have exposure to. St. George’s University has a unique opportunity for students to begin their medical education in Grenada, the United Kingdom, or India. The three paths feature the same curriculum and provide a strong foundation for future physicians. The last two years have the option of doing clinical rotations either in the US or the UK.
“St. George’s University has a unique opportunity for students to begin their medical education in Grenada, the United Kingdom, or India”
Bob Ryan, Dean of Admissions, St. George’s University

4. Other considerations
While entry requirements and residency placements are important factors when comparing medical schools, students shouldn’t forget about their personal interests. Thanks to location and facilities, some medical schools offer opportunities to further certain passions through organizations, events, and more.
Tuition and fees are probably on your mind – and your child’s as well. While cost alone shouldn’t determine where your student attends school, it’s certainly worth considering. Keep in mind that when it comes to medical school, you really do get what you pay for.
Finally, if your child receives the good news that they’ve been accepted into medical school, be sure to celebrate their achievement.
For more information about studying medicine at St. George’s University, Grenada, visit
Further reading: How to secure the right university place
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