Suffolk prep school Old Buckenham Hall (OBH) has earned a county commendation from the Lawn Tennis Association

Suffolk prep Old Buckenham Hall has been named Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) School of the Year for Suffolk. Based near Lavenham on a 90-acre site, OBH’s tennis programme is led by Matthew Perry and a team of coaches. Sport has undergone significant development recently, overseen by new Director of Sport, Kingsley Went.

Recent OBH county awards include hockey and IAPS swimming. The school also hosts major U11 and U13 Festivals every term and many other standalone events, such as the East Anglian Prep Schools Cross-Country Championships.

Old Buckenham Hall, a prep school on a 90-acre site near Lavenham, is LTA School of the Year for Suffolk

Speaking of the LTA accolade, Headmaster James Large says: “It is wonderful to see Matthew and his team celebrated for the amazing work they do every year. Tennis is one of our national sports and it is lovely to see so many children developing a genuine love for the sport”.

Old Buckenham Hall

Further reading: New Bedford independent school takes shape