Channing School on why we should celebrate outcomes

Channing School on why we should celebrate outcomes

The Headmistress of Channing Lindsey Hughes says we should consider outcomes, not just exam grades, when we look at student success stories

Sixth Place for Emanuel School

Sixth place for Emanuel School

Emanuel School will soon have a new hub for Sixth Form life in its extended Sixth Form Centre

Habs Girls on the importance of outdoor learning

Habs Girls on the importance of outdoor learning

The Headmistress of Habs Girls says it's time that our schools recognised the value and benefits of providing older pupils – girls especially – with outdoor education

Pangbourne College on assessing a school's wellbeing markers

Pangbourne College on assessing a school’s wellbeing markers

Caroline Bond of Pangbourne College outlines the key markers of a school that prioritises children's mental health and wellbeing

A Repton

Focus on Repton Prep / A rounded vision

With a new Head, Victoria Harding, joining Repton Prep this September, we find out more about her approach and the school's central place within the wider school family

Day in the life: Head Girl and Head Boy of Queen Ethelburga's Collegiate

Day in the life: Head Girl and Head Boy of Queen Ethelburga’s Collegiate

Clarke and Emily, Head Boy and Head Girl of Queen Ethelburga’s Collegiate, talk us through a day in their lives