Simply Learning Tuition Managing Director Nathaniel McCullagh discusses how to support a child to achieve in their GCSEs next summer

Q: My son has his GCSEs coming up next year. His school is confident that he will achieve good grades, but I want to support him in meeting those and even exceeding them where possible. What do you recommend he does to prepare?

A: It is encouraging that your son is expected to achieve good grades, but you are right in wanting to give him the best chance of fulfilling these expectations in his GCSEs – these will not only impact the subjects he studies at A level or IB but will also be the foundation for his university applications down the line. As the exams approach, there are things you can put in place which will make a significant difference to his final grades.

Make a revision timetable Planning is crucial. Help your son create a revision timetable, dividing his day into sessions to cover each subject. He should make sure to assign a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timed) goal to each session. This structured approach will help him manage his time effectively and alleviate anxiety.

Create a quiet, comfortable workspace Encourage your son to find a quiet, distraction-free space for studying. He should have all necessary materials within reach to minimise interruptions. While preferences vary from one child to another, research suggests studying in silence tends to enhance focus and retention.

Find effective revision techniques Every child learns differently, so it is vital that your son finds the revision techniques which work best for him. He may have landed upon some of these while preparing for mocks or other internal school exams, but if not, there is still time to experiment with different methods. Options include writing notes, using flashcards, creating mnemonics, and teaching others. Writing out notes by hand aids memory retention; condensing these into shorter summaries reinforces understanding.

Take care of himself Stress and anxiety hinder learning, so it’s essential to strike a balance between intensive study and well-earned relaxation. Eating healthily, getting enough sleep, taking regular breaks, and rewarding himself for achievements are not just vital for maintaining physical and mental wellbeing, they are scientifically proven to improve retention and attainment.

Target his preparation As the exam dates approach, your son should focus increasingly on exam technique. He should work through past papers under timed conditions to simulate the pressure of the exam room. Then he should turn to the examiners’ reports for that year – these provide valuable insights into which answers get rewarded and which pitfalls to avoid.

If you want to give your son’s preparation an additional boost, consider enlisting the help of a tutor to see him through the run-up to his exams. Experienced tutors can offer personalised guidance, assist with challenging topics, and provide additional resources to boost confidence and performance.

At Simply Learning Tuition, we work with tutors who are experts in preparing students for all manner of exams. We personally match each student with a tutor who suits their personality and learning style and is familiar with the precise requirements of their exam board. In our experience, this personal intervention can often make a difference of one or more grades on results day.

Simply Learning Tuition

Further reading: Managing school fees at a time of VAT uncertainty