Build your child’s confidence by choosing a school that can build their happiness, resilience and success

We all want to build our child’s confidence during their school days. This is the essential step in creating happy and successful learners.

Choosing a school that develops and supports confident learning – particularly at the beginning of the education journey – is critical. Here are five areas to consider.

How to choose a school to build your child's confidence
Strong early learning support helps to build confidence and self-belief – and a positive attitude to learning

Strong early learning support

Your child’s nursery and primary years are the foundation for all that follows. In fact, the right approach to early years is now seen as critical to confidence through school and into adulthood.

Strategies that build confidence and character are just as important as teaching numeracy and literacy in the earliest years. Small class sizes provide one-to-one early learning support, which is vital. Opportunities to play in the fresh air and learn about nature ensure a child’s enjoyment and a positive attitude to school.

St Lawrence College, within easy walking distance of Ramsgate beach, offers a 45-acre campus that offers space to run and play. It’s forest school builds self-esteem and social skills in a nurturing environment. Mud kitchens, den building and experiencing nature are all part of the day’s learning adventure.

Forest school adventures continue into prep school, with the programme developing in tune with each child’s growing confidence.

How to choose a school to build your child's confidence
Specialist teachers build academic confidence, especially when the curriculum broadens to offer stretch and feed curiosity

Clear learning pathways

Changing schools, especially in the competitive and ‘hothousing’ environment of entrance exams, is something many parents are now questioning. A ‘through school’, educating children from pre-prep to sixth form, is one way to help children feel more confident.

St Lawrence College is a boarding and day school that supports high achievement and keeps families’ options open. Many families choose to move up to senior school here, but pupils are also well prepared for the Kent Test. This enables families who are relocating to move on to another school in the county or beyond.

Personal attention is critical to every child’s educational journey. This ensures the right stretch and challenge for each individual pupil, so children develop their strengths and work on their weaknesses.

St Lawrence College offers specialist teachers from the start, broadening the curriculum as children grow. This brings opportunities to develop skills (and talent) in everything from science and maths to drama, music and art.

With many international families making this their school of choice, St Lawrence College offers a comprehensive EAL/ESL support programme. This ensures non-native English speakers develop fluency and ease in both written and spoken English. The six-day school week (with school on a Saturday) brings extra opportunities – and the time to develop skills and strengths. 

How to choose a school to build your child's confidence
St Lawrence College supports academic and personal growth, with a home-from-home atmosphere for boarders

Pastoral care and boarding support

However happy and confident the child, good pastoral care is essential. This helps children to bounce back from setbacks and build the resilience to take on future challenges. Pastoral care is even more important when children are at a boarding school.

At St Lawrence College, teachers and support staff know each individual child and have expertise in child wellbeing. The caring Housemaster and Housemistress system means a home from home atmosphere. Personal tutors engage with pupils regularly to support academic and personal growth. Staff also liaise closely with family and ensure children can stay in touch and parents stay in the know.

St Lawrence College was founded as a school of Christian values. It has a tradition of welcoming pupils of all faiths and none. The founding principles of compassion and care are embedded in a respectful environment that supports and enhances pastoral care. Mental wellbeing is discussed in assemblies, in school displays and with visits from outside speakers.

How to choose a school to build your child's confidence
Giving young people the chance to shine, across academic, sporting and extracurricular activities as they grow, is essential

Time to shine

Every child can build confidence when they have the opportunity to shine. Excellent facilities and extra-curricular programmes give children space to develop, in and out of the classroom.

Boarding schools have long had an advantage in this regard. After-school clubs, societies, events and sporting fixtures at St Lawrence College create plenty of enrichment opportunities beyond the classroom. This extensive enrichment programme benefits day pupils too.

Breadth of opportunity is vital so that your child can try lots of things. Then they can self-select and settle on their passions and interests as they grow. With a superb theatre and art workshops and excellent sports facilities, St Lawrence College has plenty of mind-broadening options.

There is also an extensive programme of field trips, cultural expeditions. All of these opportunities build young people’s sense of the world beyond the school gates, and their place in it.

Participating in team and individual sports is a huge opportunity to build a growth mindset and feel good about yourself. St Lawrence College offers a full range of sport and fitness options. There is also a dedicated Sports Excellence programme for high achievers.

How to choose a school to build your child's confidence
The combination of boarders from around the world and local day pupils brings opportunities to make friends for life

Life-enhancing friendships

School friendships deliver memories for a lifetime – as well as lifelong buddies. Welcoming pupils from over 25 different nations, St Lawrence College embraces principles of open-mindedness and empathy. A boarding community, with day pupils from the local area, ensures children develop bonds with peers from across the world.

This is supported by the many enrichment opportunities – from cultural day trips to life-changing global adventures for older pupils. Opportunities to explore and test themselves teach young people more about how we support each other. Peer mentoring and leadership roles – especially in Sixth Form – build strengths for future life and career.

Pupils at St Lawrence College enjoy the sense of community that comes from shared learning journeys. Offering a rounded and supportive education is one of the surest ways to build confidence at school – and happy children.

This is a sponsored post created with St Lawrence College, a boarding and day school for children aged 3 to 18. The College is a World Class High Performance Learning School. The College accepts admissions for Nursery, Junior School, Senior School and Sixth Form.