Parent Power: Chaos theory & how to cope with children's messy ways

Parent Power: Chaos theory & how to cope with children’s messy ways

Not one of the parenting manuals prepared you for children's ability to create such an extraordinary amount of mess

Confidence club – Happy Confident Company's mindfulness programme

Confidence club – Happy Confident Company’s mindfulness programme

The Happy Confident Company's recently launched club is designed to bring the benefits of mindfulness into the heart of family life

Parent power: Collector mania and how to live with it

Parent power: Collector mania and how to live with it

It starts with a few pebbles or feathers, and before you know it your house is crammed with stuff, so what is a child's collector mania all about?

Can yoga help my young son relax?

Can yoga help my young son relax?

Our expert Victoria Tso answers a question from a parent with a son who is full of beans, revealing how yoga can restore balance and calm in busy families

Heathfield School on preparing for boarding

Heathfield School on preparing for boarding

The Headmistress of Heathfield Sarah Wilson gives her advice for preparing your child for the big boarding school adventure