Smarter dyslexia testing with Talamo

Smarter dyslexia testing with Talamo

Launched in September, Talamo is a dyslexia screening test that is affordable, scalable and accurate – a gamechanger for earlier diagnosis

Burlington House School on the value of Media and Film

Burlington House School on the value of Media and Film

Paul Jones, Head of Burlington House School, Tooting, on why it's 'Lights, Camera, Inclusion' when you teach Media and Film to SEND pupils

Building confidence at St David's College

Building confidence at St David’s College

With small class sizes, exceptional learning support and an active lifestyle, St David's College is structured to ensure that all pupils shine

Bredon School on the great outdoors

Bredon School on the great outdoors

Nick Oldham, Headmaster of the dyslexia specialist Bredon School on the value of outdoor learning in developing skills, confidence and wellbeing

Burlington House Prep on bridging the gap

Burlington House Prep on bridging the gap

Nicola Lovell, Headteacher of recently opened Burlington House Prep School on its mainstream approach to help children with specific learning differences to thrive

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Aatif Hassan: How dyslexic thinking shaped Cavendish Education

How dyslexic thinking shaped Cavendish Education, by Aatif Hassan

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How to find the best school for your SEN child

When you have a child with special educational needs, finding the best school can be a difficult and emotional process. Cavendish Education is a small group of boarding and day schools around the UK with varying…


Jessica Narowlansky on her personal journey with dyslexia

The Head of Specialist Education and Wellbeing for Cavendish Education Jessica Narowlansky on her own very personal journey with dyslexia…

bredon school

Bredon School | ISA award for Excellence and Innovation in the Fine Arts

Bredon School is celebrating winning a prestigious Independent Schools Association (ISA) Award 2018 for Excellence and Innovation in the Fine Arts