Moulsford Prep School in Oxfordshire has announced that it will move to a full co-education model

Moulsford Prep in Oxfordshire is making a full shift to co-education and will welcome girls into year 3 in 2026. Its pre-school is already co-ed. This new announcement means that by by September 2031 there will be girls in every year group. 

Chair of Governors Edward Boddington says: “Societal changes form the background to this decision, with families, including many Moulsford families, increasingly seeking to educate their children together and in a co-educational environment”.

Moulsford Prep to go fully co-ed
Moulsford Pre-Prep has already moved to a co-ed model

Headmaster, Ben Beardmore-Gray adds: “As a co-educational school we will continue to provide an outstanding education for both boys and girls, preparing them for a wide range of leading day and boarding senior schools in the country”.

Moulsford Prep School

Further reading: New Head for The Roche School