Flora and Imani, joint Head Girls of Channing School in Highgate, talk us through a day in their lives

Flora, Joint Head Girl

7:00 – Wake up and make sure I have anything I need for school, including my sketchbook!

7:50 – Walk to school. I could leave later but enjoy spending time with my friends before lessons – maybe finish last-minute homework or do a bit of vocab revision. 

8:25 – Form time. Catch up with the year belows and how they’re feeling, share advice, answer weekly questions and complete our activities. It’s time to check in with our form teacher, who is our rock.

8:50 – Off to Spanish to practise speaking, revise the topics we’re learning and play a few games. 

Flora Ed
Flora, Joint Head Girl at Channing

10:25 – Break time. Grab a quick snack and meet the Officer team to catch up on upcoming events and any new ideas they wish to implement. 

10:45 – Up to the art rooms to work on my paintings.

12:25 – Lunchtime! The first 35 minutes are just for eating, socialising and winding down.

13:00 – It’s Gallery Girls, my History of Art club where we discuss important questions in the world of Art History.

13:40 – Off to the National Gallery to see one of the paintings we’re studying. One of the great things about going to school in London is all the incredible places right on our doorstep.

15:55 – Rush back for Spanish Debating where we’re discussing the morality of bullfighting.

16:30 – Musical rehearsal and this year we’re doing Chicago. Lots of singing and dancing – quite the workout!

18:00 – Home for a snack before homework and dinner.

21:30 – Finished everything on my list for today so I head to the sitting room to watch some TV with my siblings before bed.

Imani, Joint Head Girl

7:15 – Get up and pack my bag. Most important item is special Channing stay-hot mug so I can take advantage of the sixth form centre coffee maker.

7:50 – Time to set off for school. 

8:25 – Assembly: we throw ourselves into ‘Jubilate’, everyone’s favourite hymn, though sometimes we struggle to get our claps in the right places.      

8:50 –English Literature and The Duchess of Malfi, a cracking Jacobean tragedy. Corruption, deception and death – what’s not to love? 

10:25 – Grab a bit of coveted flapjack and head to the library for a meeting about whole school reading.

10:45 – Free period: I only have two per week make the most of them! Channing is surrounded by coffee shops, so I head to one to work or read. 

Imani Ed
Imani, joint Head Girl at Channing

11:35 – Enrichment. I opted for Cultural Theory and today we watch a bit of Clueless and talk about how it subverts the male gaze.

12:25 – Lunch on the grass looking out over London.

1:00 – Time to run the KS3 Feminist Society session – we cover internet-based misogyny, a bleak but pertinent topic. 

1:40 – Maths makes a nice change from essay writing, and we discuss old bands with our teacher in between taxing bits of trigonometry. 

3:10 – PE – I opted for yoga this term. After challenging stretches, the last ten minutes are spent in guided meditation. 

3:55 – Off to help KS3 pupils at Maths Drop-In – a great avenue for different year groups to interact and get along. 

5:30 – Tea and a biscuit before starting homework. 

8:30 – I try to stop work and make time to read and watch some comfort TV before bed.

Channing School channing.co.uk

Further reading: Day in the life, Head Boy and Head Girl of Repton School