Carl Howes, Head of Ravenscourt Park Prep, on how school initiatives help build wellbeing, agency and a spirit of community

At Ravenscourt Park Prep School, Community Responsibility is a value that permeates every aspect of our school culture. Throughout the year, our children are engaged in a wide range of activities that aim not only to support various causes but also to forge a strong sense of community and instil a deep-seated ethic of giving. We have taken part in initiatives such as ‘Wrap Up London,’ where we collected and donated coats to aid people in need across our city. These activities are organised and led by our student council representatives, exemplifying our commitment to empowering students from a young age.

Our partnerships with local charities such as West London Action for Children (WLAC), with whom we’ve raised over £60,000 over the past two years, and Angel Child (part of the Brain Tumour Charity Foundation) allow our students to make tangible impacts beyond the school gates. Events such as singing at local care homes and our collaborative art projects also provide enriching experiences that connect our students with diverse groups within our local community. Everyone is welcome to join in, and we have organised two staff and parent charity cycle rides in the past couple of years. I ran the London Marathon for WLAC last year.

“Students develop a better appreciation of their role within the community and a recognition of their capacity to effect change”

The response from our students has been overwhelmingly positive. They relish the roles of fundraisers, organisers, and decision-makers. Our recent charity concert for WLAC and our sustainable clothes swap event are examples of initiatives that our students not only participated in but also helped to lead. These experiences enhance their confidence and nurture a sense of responsibility towards their community.

Integrating giving back into our curriculum further supports these values. In subjects such as Art & Design and PSHEE, students explore the role of art in society and the ethical responsibilities of individuals. These discussions are reinforced by practical activities such as creating public murals or organising book drives, enabling students to apply their learning in meaningful and practical ways.

Our Year Six Art Prefects assist with the teaching of Art lessons to younger children, as well as helping with whole school community events such as our Open Studio exhibitions. We also regularly donate books to the Children’s Book Project which supports children in schools where they do not have the same access to reading resources.

"Students develop a better appreciation of their role within the community and a recognition of their capacity to effect change"
Giving children the opportunity to engage with projects that support both school and wider community gives them a sense of agency and improves wellbeing, says Carl Howes

Beyond the joy and community spirit these events foster, there is a noticeable benefit to students’ wellbeing and sense of agency. They develop a better appreciation of their role within the community and a recognition of their capacity to effect change. This empowerment leads to a more inclusive society and instils lifelong values of giving back.

At RPPS, we are committed to nurturing a community where kindness and giving flourish, understanding that these efforts extend well beyond our school and into the wider world. It’s a commitment that enriches our students’ lives and prepares them to be conscientious and caring global citizens.

Ravenscourt Park Prep School

Further reading: Bedales on the value of enquiry-based learning